
Hainan Chicken Rice

This Hainanese chicken rice dish is based on fresh and tender chicken, fragrant white rice, millet and ground rice, as well as crisp green and red peppers and fresh shredded ginger. Steam the marinated chicken with the washed rice, then add the hot green and red pepper shreds, and finally mix well. This simple yet delicious fried rice recipe gives you a rich texture and a plethora of nutrients to round out your meal.

製作時間 : 28mins
份量 : 2 servings


Hainan Chicken Rice

This Hainanese chicken rice dish is based on fresh and tender chicken, fragrant white rice, millet and ground rice, as well as crisp green and red peppers and fresh shredded ginger. Steam the marinated chicken with the washed rice, then add the hot green and red pepper shreds, and finally mix well. This simple yet delicious fried rice recipe gives you a rich texture and a plethora of nutrients to round out your meal.

製作時間 : 28mins
份量 : 2 servings

by Joyoung


98% will make

28 mins

Preparation time

8 minutes

production time

20 minutes






470 kcal








staple food
low fat

Step 1/3

1. 將雞腿切塊,放道量盖片煮開,去掉血水和油沫,撈出用涼水 沖洗乾淨;青紅椒切絲並用沸水川燙,生薑切絲;
2. 在雞塊中加入鹽、米酒、醬油、营絲,拌勻後醃製30分鐘;

3. 將白米、小米和碎 玉米清洗乾淨,醃好的雞肉擺放在大米上, 加水,葐上鍋蓄;
4. 選擇“米飯” 功能,設習25分鐘,再按下“開始” 鍵烹飪;
5. 烹飪完成後,開蓋,加入川燙的青紅椒絲,攪拌均勻即可。

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